Saturday, October 8, 2022

JunoWallet, Earn FREE Gift Cards

JunoWallet is a Social Mobile Marketing Rewards App that allows you to earn JunoCredits to spend on gift cards of your choice and instantly receive and use them from your device.

They offer a wide range of giftcards including Amazon, iTunes, PlayStation Network, Starbucks, GameStop, and more.

Payment Proof 
The app is simple to use and allows you to earn credits by downloading apps, watching videos, liking Facebook fan pages, doing surveys and has access to the most popular reward walls, such as RadiumOne. I have received over $200 so far.

If you use an Android phone you can look for JunoWallet on the GooglePlay store. If you use an iOS device look for an app called Bamboo Wallet on the App Store and then access the JunoWallet HTML5 website at to start receiving offers. The App is also available on BlackBerry and Windows Phones.

They have a great referral program that rewards you for your referrals, and your referrals' referrals.

If you could use my invite code, JH137699, you will receive .25 cents instantly. If you have any trouble with the app or any questions just ask!


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